Walling and Planters

Why use planters?

There are many benefits to using planters; it does not matter if you’re an amateur gardener looking for a new hobby or a green-fingered genius; garden planters are great for everyone. Here is why:
  • Raised beds are better for the soil - Compost, mulches, manures and other soil conditioners can all go directly onto the top few inches of the soil without the need for backbreaking work. The soil is also, capable of doing its own tilling as worms and roots push their way through, building up the organic component of your soil over time.
  • Raising your soil means better drainage - Gives plants extra breathing room above wet conditions. Raised beds also tend to drain better, even in heavy rains.
  • Your back will thank you - A raised bed, can resolve debilitating back and joint pain. So we like to consider planters as an investment in your health.
  • You can plant earlier in the season - Due to better drainage in the soil, early planting is possible because the soil dries out faster in the spring and warms more quickly for planting than soil at ground level. Many gardeners also find a surprising number of plants have overwintered in a planter which shouldn’t have been able to. Again, much of this has to do with the type of soil in the planter. If untilled and fortified with compost, your soil will regulate temperatures better than disturbed, nutrient-poor soil.
Whatever your reasons for using a planter, we guarantee that you’ll always be proud of the stuff you grow, it’s something you will never regret investing in. 

Natural Stone

Resistant to breaking and chipping more than many other walling materials, meaning it can withstand harsh weather conditions. Natural Stone requires very little maintenance.

Rendered Block

Available in a wide range of colours and designs, making it an effective way to freshen up your garden. Depending on the look you're after, the finish can be textured or smooth, fine or course, natural or coloured, and pigmented or painted.

Sleeper Retainers

A durable and cost effective option, that’s perfect for preventing flooding, whilst bringing a natural charm that makes the wall incredibly appealing.

Brick Wall

A timeless classic, that’s sustainability is perfect for the environment, whilst now being available in a wide range of colours, textures and finishes.