
What is Turf?

Turf is grass and the part of the soil beneath it held together by its roots or another piece of thin material. 

What are the benefits?

  • Attractive - Gardens serve as the perfect canvas for landscaping creativity and excellence, healthy turfgrass makes and completes an inviting setting for the whole family. Turfgrass organizes and pulls together all of your landscaping components, providing visual coherence and gives an impression that conveys hospitality and warmth.
  • Allergy control - Mowed turf grass helps control seeds and spores, dust pollen from weeds and populations of stinging and biting insects. The lawn must be well-maintained, however, as weed seeds are always present in the soil and once patches open up in a lawn, weeds sprout up, causing allergy problems.
  • Environmentally friendly - Healthy lawns absorb carbon dioxide from the air and replace it with oxygen. Grass also, transpires water into the air, increasing humidity and decreasing pollutants.

The Installation Process

For a Turfed Area:
The garden area will be excavated via skip using a turf cutter. The area will then be rotavated and cleared of any debris and plant matter. High-quality topsoil will then be used to level the lawn and create a nutritious bed for the grass to grow into. The local and luscious turf will be laid and cut neatly, ensuring rolls are stitched together. A final watering and a few weeks to let the lawn settle and the grass will be ready for its first mow.