Old English Rustic

What is an Old English Rustic garden?

The notion of something rustic suggests an authentic and natural quality that many gardeners crave. Whether it's vintage garden furniture, a DIY trellis, or reclaimed sleeper retainers, rustic gardens always feel cosy and casual. 

What are the characteristics of an Old English Rustic garden?

  • Hardscape details - A picket fence, an iron gate, a brick or stone pathway, can instantly create the feeling of a quaint, old English garden. 
  • A plethora of plants - Rustic gardens tend to have many plants to fill and overflow their beds. However, it is ideal to choose one central flower to work around, to make your garden fuller-looking and avoid a haphazard jumble of plants.
These are the two most common characteristics of the old English style, however, there are several more. When designing an old English styled garden, it is important to make it comfortable and homely. If you’re struggling for inspiration, close your eyes and think of the countryside.