
What are the different types of garden furniture?

  • Plastic furniture - One of the simplest materials that can be used to create garden furniture is plastic while this material is especially convenient because it is cost-effective and requires a very low level of maintenance. However, plastic furniture will not give your garden the aesthetic appeal you desire. However, if you want to adopt an environmentally friendly perspective and reduce your plastic consumption, plastic garden furniture would likely not be the option for you.
  • Metal furniture - One of the most widespread materials that can be used to make garden furniture is metal, especially given its durability and strength. Metal is a much better option than plastic for garden furniture, especially when given the advantages that you can enjoy from this material, including greater durability and better aesthetics. Metal garden furniture has many advantages, but this material can be uncomfortable for some people to sit on for a long period of time, while constant exposure to the weather can make this type of furniture especially hot if it is left in the sun for a long period of time.
  • Wood furniture - Indeed, this particular solution can create a balance between aesthetic appeal, comfort and a sustainable solution for your outdoor area. In addition, if you are looking to enjoy the benefit of choosing from a wide variety of aesthetic designs as well as providing a comfortable location to sit outside which does not get too hot, then you should think about using wood for the furniture in your garden.

What are the benefits?


  • Extremely affordable - £100-£300 (all prices for standard 4 chair + table set).

  • Low/zero maintenance - Makes for a hassle-free experience.

  • Durable - Can be left out year-round without rotting or rusting.


  • Low maintenance

  • Durable - Strong and rigid, though they can rust and become brittle after a few years depending on materials used.

  • Aesthetic appeal - A variety of stylish designs and materials to choose from.


  • Visually stunning - Extremely versatile in design due to the flexible nature of wood.

  • Comfortable - Doesn’t get too hot in the sun or sweaty with extended use.

  • Environmentally friendly

  • Longevity - Ages beautifully without compromising durability.